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118th Congress


Note: Senator Reed and Senator Wicker, as Chair and Ranking Member of the Armed Services Committee, serve as ex-officio (non-voting) members of all Subcommittees.

Subcommittee on


Responsibilities include Army planning and operations policy and programs (less space, cyber, and special operations); Air Force planning and operations policy and programs (less nuclear weapons, space, cyber, and special operations).

Special additional area: National Guard and Reserve planning and operations policy and equipment.

Oversight of budget accounts: Army and Air Force research, development, test, and evaluation (RDT&E) and procurement (less technology base, space, cyber, nuclear weapons, special operations, and ammunition).

Majority Members

Minority Members

Subcommittee on


Responsibilities include policies and programs related to cyber forces and capabilities.
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Oversight of budget accounts: Information Technology base RDT&E; cyber-related operational test and evaluation; RDT&E and procurement supporting cyber capabilities; combating cyber threats and attacks; cyber-related train and equip programs.

Oversight of DOD offices: Principal Advisor on Military Cyber Force Matters; Principal Cyber Advisors of military departments; Department of Defense Chief Information Officers; and Chief Information Officers of the military departments.

Oversight of DOD commands and agencies: U.S. Cyber Command; the cyber capabilities of the DOD components, commands, and agencies.

Majority Members

Minority Members

Subcommittee on

Emerging Threats and Capabilities

Responsibilities include policies and programs related to science and technology, special operations, intelligence, counterterrorism, security cooperation, strategic and information operations, countering weapons of mass destruction, and homeland defense.
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Oversight of budget accounts: Army and Air Force research, development, test, and evaluation (RDT&E) and procurement (less technology base, space, cyber, nuclear weapons, special operations, and ammunition).

Oversight of DOD offices: Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering; Under Secretary of Defense (Intelligence); Assistant Secretary of Defense (Homeland Defense and Global Security); and Assistant Secretary of Defense (Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict).

Oversight of DOD commands and agencies: U.S. Special Operations Command; Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency; Defense Security Cooperation Agency; National Security Agency; Defense Intelligence Agency; National Reconnaissance Office; and National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency.

Majority Members

Minority Members

Subcommittee on


Responsibilities include military and DOD civilian personnel policies; end strengths for military personnel; military personnel compensation and benefits; military health care; and military nominations.
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Special additional areas: Professional Military Education; DOD schools; DOD child care and family assistance; civil-military programs; POW/MIA issues; Armed Forces Retirement Home; Morale, Welfare and Recreation; military commissaries and exchanges; and financial literacy and DOD implementation of the Military Lending Act.

Oversight of budget accounts: Military personnel; military retirement; Defense Health Program; DOD Medicare-Eligible Retiree Health Care Fund; and operation and maintenance for certain education and civil-military programs.

Oversight of DOD offices: Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel & Readiness); Assistant Secretary of Defense (Manpower & Reserve Affairs); Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs); Assistant Secretary of Defense (Readiness).

Oversight of DOD agencies: Defense Health Agency; Defense Commissary Agency; and Defense Prisoner of War/Missing in Action Accounting Agency.

Majority Members

Minority Members

Subcommittee on

Readiness and Management Support

Responsibilities include military readiness including training, logistics, and maintenance; military construction; housing construction and privatization; contracting and acquisition policy; business and financial management; base realignment and closure; and defense energy and environmental programs.

Special additional areas: Conventional ammunition procurement; RDT&E infrastructure; National Defense Stockpile; defense industrial and technology base policies; facility and housing maintenance and repair; land and property management; information technology management policy (excluding cyber); and industrial operations, including depots, shipyards, arsenals, and ammunition plants.

Oversight of budget accounts: Operation and maintenance; RDT&E support programs; conventional ammunition procurement; military construction and family housing; base realignment and closure; working capital funds; the National Defense Stockpile Transaction Fund.

Oversight of DOD offices: Undersecretary of Defense (Acquisition and Sustainment); Assistant Secretary of Defense (Sustainment); Assistant Secretary of Defense (Energy, Installations, and Environment); Department of Defense Chief Management Officer; and the Chief Management Officers of the military departments.

Oversight of DOD agencies and commands: U.S. Transportation Command; Defense Logistics Agency; Defense Finance and Accounting Service; Defense Investigative Service; Defense Contract Audit Agency; DOD Inspector General.

Majority Members

Minority Members

Subcommittee on


Responsibilities include Navy planning and operations policy and programs (less nuclear weapons, space, cyber, and special operations); and Marine Corps planning and operations policy and programs (less space, cyber, and special operations).
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Special additional areas: Maritime issues.

Oversight of budget accounts: Navy and Marine Corps procurement and RDT&E; National Sea-Based Deterrence Fund; and National Defense Sealift Fund (less technology base, space, cyber, nuclear weapons, special operations, and ammunition).

Majority Members

Minority Members

Subcommittee on

Strategic Forces

Responsibilities include nuclear and strategic forces; arms control and non-proliferation programs; space programs; Department of Energy defense nuclear, and defense environmental management programs; and ballistic missile defense.
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Oversight of budget accounts: Procurement and RDT&E for DOD nuclear and strategic forces, missile defense, space systems, Department of Energy defense and non-proliferation programs.

Oversight of DOD and DOE officials: Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear and Chemical and Biological Defense Programs; National Nuclear Security Administration; and Assistant Secretary of Energy (Environmental Management).

Oversight of agencies, commands, and activities: U.S. Strategic Command; U.S. Space Command, U.S. Space Force as well as other components of the military departments; Space Development Agency; Missile Defense Agency; National Nuclear Security Administration; Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board; and Defense Threat Reduction Agency.

Majority Members

Minority Members