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Reed and Wicker Announce FY 2024 NDAA Markup Schedule

U.S. Senators Jack Reed (D-RI) and Roger Wicker (R-MS), the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, today announced the full committee and subcommittee markup schedule for the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2024.  

Senator Reed commented: “Each year, the National Defense Authorization Act provides our forces with the resources, training, equipment, and capabilities they need to keep Americans safe. The importance of this mission has never been more urgent, as the security challenges before our nation continue to evolve at an alarming rate. The Armed Services Committee markup is a critical part of the NDAA process, and I look forward to working with Ranking Member Wicker and our colleagues to continue our tradition of thoughtful deliberation and bipartisan collaboration.”

Senator Wicker also commented: “One of the most important tasks entrusted to Congress by the Constitution is providing for the common defense. As we continue our work on the National Defense Authorization Act, it is vital that we retain a laser focus on the growing threats to the United States that have created the most dangerous security environment since World War II,” Wicker said. “Working alongside Chairman Reed and our colleagues, I look forward to a markup process that reflects the urgency and seriousness of this moment.”

As has been the case historically, there will be a Committee vote to close portions of the markup.

Portions of the NDAA will be considered in Subcommittee on the following dates:

Tuesday, June 20:
5:00 PM – Subcommittee on Airland – SR-232A (CLOSED)
5:30 PM – Subcommittee on Strategic Forces – SR-232A (CLOSED)

Wednesday, June 21:
9:00 AM – Subcommittee on Cybersecurity – SR-232A (CLOSED)
9:30 AM – Subcommittee on Seapower – SR-232A (CLOSED)
10:00 AM – Subcommittee on Readiness and Management Support – SR-232A  (CLOSED)
11:00 AM – Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities – SR-232A  (CLOSED)
11:15 AM – Subcommittee on Personnel – SD-106 (OPEN – please see press RSVP information below) *Start time changed to 11:15 AM

The NDAA will be considered by the Full Committee on the following dates:

Wednesday, June 21, 2:30 PM – SR-222 (CLOSED)
As required: Thursday, June 22 – SR-222 (CLOSED)
As required: Friday, June 23 – SR-222 (CLOSED)

Press: The markup for the Subcommittee on Personnel on Wednesday, June 21, at 10:30 AM will be open to the press, but may be limited on a first come, first served basis. This markup will be streamed live online at

All media must RSVP to ensure access, and only Hill-credentialed media will be permitted to attend.

Photographers and Radio/TV may RSVP to their respective galleries:

  • Senate Radio/TV Gallery: 202-224-6421
  • Senate Photographers’ Gallery: 202-224-6548

Print media, including dailies and periodicals, may RSVP to
