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SASC Announces Upcoming Afghanistan Oversight Hearings

The Senate Armed Services Committee today announced its initial slate of hearings to examine the withdrawal of American forces from Afghanistan and lessons learned from the twenty year conflict.

U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI), Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said: “Although we have completed the withdrawal of American military personnel and over 100,000 civilians from Afghanistan, I remain deeply concerned about the events that accompanied our withdrawal and the ongoing humanitarian crisis.  It is the duty of Congress—and the Senate Armed Services Committee in particular—to hold hearings to learn lessons from the situation in Afghanistan and ensure accountability at the highest levels.  The Committee will hold a series of hearings to examine the factors and decisions that manifested over four presidential administrations of both political parties to shape the outcome we now face in Afghanistan.”

U.S. Senator Jim Inhofe (R-OK), Ranking Member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said: “I’m grateful to Chairman Reed for prioritizing these critical oversight hearings on Afghanistan — the first of what I will expect to be many hearings and briefings to review and determine what happened, who should be held accountable, and how we move forward.  The American people, our service members past and present, our allies and partners around the world and the Afghans who bravely helped us deserve this transparency and accountability.”

The initial hearings schedule can be found below. Additional hearings may be scheduled following this release.

Tuesday, September 14:
Briefing on Recent Developments in Afghanistan
Full Committee – CLOSED Briefing
3:30 PM
Witness: General Austin Scott Miller, former Commander of U.S. Forces-Afghanistan

Tuesday, September 28:
Testimony on U.S. Withdrawal From Afghanistan
Full Committee – OPEN and CLOSED Hearings
Time: TBA
Witnesses: Honorable Lloyd Austin III, Secretary of Defense;
General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff;
General Kenneth McKenzie, Commander of U.S. Central Command 

Thursday, September 30:
Review of U.S. Military Operations in Afghanistan
Full Committee
Time: TBA
Witnesses: External experts (TBA)

Press: Press seating is very limited. All media must RSVP to ensure access, and only Hill-credentialed media will be permitted to attend.

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