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Senate Committee on Armed Services Announces Subcommittee Assignments for 113th Congress

WASHINGTON — Senators Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and James Inhofe (R-Okla.), chairman and ranking member of the Senate Committee on Armed Services, today announced subcommittee assignments for the 113th Congress.  

A complete listing of all Committee on Armed Services subcommittee memberships appears below.  Senators Levin and Inhofe serve as ex-officio members of all subcommittees. 


Subcommittee on Airland

Senator Manchin, Chairman


Senator Wicker, Ranking Member

Senator Nelson


Senator McCain

Senator McCaskill


Senator Sessions

Senator Gillibrand


Senator Chambliss

Senator Blumenthal


Senator Blunt

Senator Donnelly



Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities

Senator Hagan, Chairman


Senator Fischer, Ranking Member 

Senator Reed

Sen. Nelson


Senator McCain

Senator Wicker

Senator Mark Udall


Senator Graham

Senator Manchin


Senator Vitter

Senator Shaheen


Senator  Cruz

Senator Gillibrand


Subcommittee on Personnel 

Senator Gillibrand, Chairman


Senator Graham, Ranking Member

Senator Hagan


Senator Chambliss

Senator Blumenthal   


Senator Ayotte

Senator Hirono


Senator Blunt

Senator Kaine


Senator Lee

Senator King


Subcommittee on Readiness and Management Support

Senator Shaheen, Chairman


Senator Ayotte, Ranking Member

Senator McCaskill


Senator Chambliss

Senator Mark Udall


Senator Fischer

Senator Manchin


Senator Blunt

Senator Donnelly


Senator Lee

Senator Hirono


Senator Cruz

Senator Kaine



Subcommittee on Seapower 

Senator Reed, Chairman    


Senator McCain, Ranking Member

Senator Nelson


Senator Sessions

Senator Hagan


Senator Wicker

Senator Shaheen

Senator Blumenthal

Senator Hirono

Senator Kaine

Senator King


Senator Ayotte

Senator Graham

Senator Vitter

Senator Cruz


Subcommittee on Strategic Forces 

Senator Mark Udall, Chairman


Senator Sessions, Ranking Member

Senator Reed


Senator Fischer

Senator McCaskill


Senator Vitter

Senator Donnelly


Senator Lee

Senator King