Date Wednesday December 2nd 2020
Time 09 15am
Location Room SD G50 Dirksen Senate Office Building
To receive testimony on Navy and Marine Corps readiness
The bipartisan leadership of the Senate and House Armed Services Committees U S Senators Jim Inhofe R Okla and Jack Reed D R I chairman and ranking member of the Senate Armed...
Today U S Sen Jim Inhofe R Okla Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee certified that the Committee has received the appropriate biographical and financial questionnaires...
Date Wednesday September 23rd 2020
Time 02 30pm
Location Room SVC 217 The Office of Senate Security in the Capitol Visitor Center
To receive a briefing on Dep...
The Senate Armed Services Committee today voted by voice to report out a list of 893 pending military nominations in the Army Navy Air Force Marine Corps and Space Force as well as...
The Senate Armed Services Committee this morning voted by voice to report out a list of 99 pending military nominations in the Army Air Force and Marine Corps Included in this list...