Date Tuesday September 18th 2018
Time 02 30pm
Location SVC 217 The Office of Senate Security in the Capitol Visitor Center
To receive testimony on interagency...
U S Sen Jim Inhofe R Okla Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee announced that John Bonsell will serve as majority staff director for the Committee Bonsell will...
Washington D C U S Senators John McCain R AZ and Jack Reed D RI Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Armed Services Committee Senator Jim Inhofe R OK and Representative Mac...
Washington D C The conferees for the National Defense Authorization Act NDAA for Fiscal Year 2019 will meet tomorrow to begin the conference process Known as the pass the gavel...
Washington D C U S Senators John McCain R Ariz and Jack Reed D R I Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Armed Services Committee today announced details of the committee s...
Washington D C The Senate Armed Services Committee today voted by voice vote to favorably report 280 pending military nominations as well as the following civilian nominations