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  1. Date Tuesday September 18th 2018 Time 02 30pm Location SVC 217 The Office of Senate Security in the Capitol Visitor Center To receive testimony on interagency...
  2. U S Sen Jim Inhofe R Okla Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee announced that John Bonsell will serve as majority staff director for the Committee Bonsell will...
  3. Date Tuesday August 21st 2018 Time 09 30am Location Room SD G50 Dirksen Senate Office Building To consider the nominations of ...
  4. Washington D C U S Senators John McCain R AZ and Jack Reed D RI Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Armed Services Committee Senator Jim Inhofe R OK and Representative Mac...
  5. Washington D C The conferees for the National Defense Authorization Act NDAA for Fiscal Year 2019 will meet tomorrow to begin the conference process Known as the pass the gavel...
  6. June 26, 2018

    Nomination -- Lyons

    Date Tuesday June 26th 2018 Time 09 30am Location Room SD G50 Dirksen Senate Office Building To consider the nomination of ...
  7. Date Tuesday June 19th 2018 Time 09 30am Location Room SD G50 Dirksen Senate Office Building To consider the nomination of ...
  8. Downloading File Please wait your file download will begin shortly If your download does not begin soon please click here
  9. Washington D C U S Senators John McCain R Ariz and Jack Reed D R I Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Armed Services Committee today announced details of the committee s...
  10. Washington D C The Senate Armed Services Committee today voted by voice vote to favorably report 280 pending military nominations as well as the following civilian nominations Dr...