Washington D C The Senate Armed Services Committee today voted by voice vote to favorably report the following nominations en bloc
Lieutenant General Paul M Nakasone USA to be...
Washington D C The Senate Armed Services Committee today voted by voice vote to favorably report the following civilian nominations en bloc
Mr Paul C Ney Jr to be General Counsel...
Washington D C The Senate Armed Services Committee today voted by voice vote to favorably report the following civilian nomination
John H Gibson II to be Chief Management Officer...
Washington D C The Senate Armed Services Committee today voted by voice vote to favorably report the following civilian nominations en bloc
Honorable Michael D Griffin to be Under...
Washington D C The Senate Armed Services Committee today voted by voice vote to favorably report 275 pending military nominations in the Army Navy and Air Force as well as the...
Washington D C The Senate Armed Services Committee today voted by voice vote to favorably report the following civilian nominations en bloc
Mr Anthony M Kurta to be Principal...
Washington D C The Senate Armed Services Committee today voted by voice vote to favorably report the following civilian nominations en bloc
Mr Robert H McMahon to be Assistant...
Washington D C The Senate Armed Services Committee today voted by voice vote to favorably report the following civilian nominations en bloc
Mr Robert F Behler to be Director of...