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  1. Washington D C U S Senators John McCain R AZ and Jack Reed D RI Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Armed Services Committee and Representative Mac Thornberry R TX Chairman...
  2. Washington D C The Senate Armed Services Committee today voted by voice vote to favorably report the following civilian nominations en bloc Dr Mark T Esper to be Secretary of the...
  3. Washington D C The Senate Armed Services Committee today voted by voice vote to favorably report the nomination of General Joseph F Dunford Jr USMC for reappointment to be Chairman...
  4. Washington D C U S Senators John McCain R AZ and Jack Reed D RI Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Armed Services Committee this week sent a letter to Department of Defense...
  5. Washington D C The Senate Armed Services Committee today voted by voice vote to favorably report the following civilian nominations The Honorable John H Gibson II to be Deputy...
  6. Washington DC Senator John McCain R AZ Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee Rep Adam Smith D WA Ranking Member of the House Armed Services Committee and Senator Jack...
  7. Washington D C The Senate Armed Services Committee today voted by voice vote to favorably report 3 879 pending military nominations in the Army Navy Air Force and Marine Corps...
  8. Washington D C Today the Senate Armed Services Committee voted by voice vote to favorably report the nomination of Richard V Spencer to be Secretary of the Navy The nomination was...
  9. Washington D C Today the Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John McCain R Ariz and Ranking Member Jack Reed D R I released the following statement on the Air Force s decision...
  10. Washington D C U S Senators John McCain R Ariz and Jack Reed D R I Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Armed Services Committee today announced details of the committee s...