Washington D C U S Senator John McCain R AZ Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee and Rep Mac Thornberry R TX Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee released the...
Washington D C U S Senator John McCain R AZ Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee released the following statement today regarding the Senate s passage of the National...
Washington D C U S Senators John McCain R AZ and Jack Reed D RI Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Armed Services Committee sent a letter to Secretary of Defense Ash Carter...
Washington D C U S Senators John McCain R AZ and Jack Reed D RI Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Armed Services Committee sent a letter to Secretary of Defense Ash Carter...
Washington D C U S Senator John McCain R AZ Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee sent the following letter on Wednesday to Deputy Secretary of Defense Robert Work...
Washington D C U S Senators John McCain R AZ and Jack Reed D RI Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Armed Services Committee sent a letter to Secretary of Defense Ash Carter...
Washington D C U S Senators John McCain R Ariz and Jack Reed D R I Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Armed Services Committee today announced details of the committee s...
Washington D C U S Senator John McCain R AZ Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee delivered the following remarks today on the top defense priorities for the 114th...
Washington D C U S Senator John McCain R Ariz Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee yesterday sent a letter to Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee James expressing...