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  1. Washington D C Senators John McCain R Ariz Jack Reed D R I Bob Corker R Tenn and Bob Menendez D N J today sent a letter to Secretary of Defense Ash Carter and Secretary of State...
  2. Washington D C U S Senators John McCain R AZ and Jack Reed D RI Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Armed Services Committee today announced their selections for the...
  3. Washington D C This afternoon the Senate Armed Services Committee marked up S 165 the Detaining Terrorists to Protect America Act of 2015 a bill sponsored by Senator Kelly Ayotte...
  4. Washington D C U S Senators John McCain R Ariz and Jack Reed D R I Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Armed Services Committee today released the following text of a letter...
  5. Washington D C U S Senators John McCain R Ariz and Jack Reed D R I Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Armed Services Committee today announced subcommittee membership for...
  6. Washington D C U S Senators John McCain R Ariz and Jack Reed D R I Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Armed Services Committee today announced subcommittee leadership for...
  7. WASHINGTON Senator Carl Levin D MI Chairman of the Committee on Armed Services and Ranking Member Jim Inhofe R OK announced today that they have reached agreement with the Chairman...
  8. WASHINGTON Rep Howard P Buck McKeon R CA Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee Rep Adam Smith D WA Ranking Member of the House Armed Services Committee Sen Carl Levin D MI...
  9. WASHINGTON Sen Carl Levin D Mich chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee and Sen Jim Inhofe R Okla the committee s ranking member today issued the following Joint Statement...
  10. WASHINGTON Hackers associated with the Chinese government successfully penetrated the computer systems of U S Transportation Command contractors at least 20 times in a single year...