During consideration of the National Defense Authorization Act for FiscalYear 2015 there were no roll call votes taken during subcommittee markups 10roll call votes were taken by...
WASHINGTON Sen Carl Levin D Mich chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee and Jim Inhofe R Okla the committee s ranking member today announced details of the committee s...
WASHINGTON Senators Carl Levin D Mich and James M Inhofe R Okla chairman and ranking member of the Senate Committee on Armed Services today announced a change in the chairmanship...
During consideration of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2014 there were no roll call votes taken during subcommittee markups Fourteen roll call votes were...
WASHINGTON Senator Carl Levin D Mich chairman of the Committee on Armed Services and Ranking Member Jim Inhofe R Okla announced today that the committee has completed its markup of...
WASHINGTON Sen Carl Levin D Mich chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee and Sen James Inhofe R Okla the committee s ranking member have written to Defense Secretary Chuck...
WASHINGTON A Senate Armed Services Committee review of the Defense Department s annual 10 billion overseas spending PDF has found construction projects lacking congressional or...
WASHINGTON Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin and Ranking Member James M Inhofe today announced their selections for the Congressionally mandated National...
WASHINGTON Sen Carl Levin D Mich chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee and Sen James Inhofe R Okla the panel s ranking Republican today announced their appointments to...
WASHINGTON Senators Carl Levin D Mich and James Inhofe R Okla chairman and ranking member of the Senate Committee on Armed Services today announced subcommittee assignments for the...